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Rating 1.0/5.0
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Rating 4.0/5.0
Review Published: October 3rd, 2024
Reply from "Keysreim Reccensioni" "Juke-joint into the область of high-efficiency"

Работал в Центре судебной экспертизы (в прошлом Казахской научно-исследовательский институт судебных экспертиз) с 1977 года, имею почетные грамоты за заслуги от Министра юстиции СССР и Республики Казахстан.

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Rating 2.0/5.0
Review Published: October 3rd, 2024
Reply from "Keysreim Reccensioni" "Search Locomotive Optimization"

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Судебное экспертное исследование нефтепродуктов и горюче-смазочных материаловСудебно – экспертное исследование нефтепродуктов и горюче-смазочных материалов на предмет их наличия на месте возникновения пожара.

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Review Published: October 3rd, 2024
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Review Published: October 2nd, 2024
Reply from "Keysreim Reccensioni" "Leap into the segment of high-efficiency"

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Review Published: October 2nd, 2024
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Review Published: October 2nd, 2024
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Rating 2.0/5.0
Review Published: October 2nd, 2024
Reply from "Keysreim Reccensioni" "КОВРИК ГАРМОШКА"

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Самое главное, что нужно о нас знать, мы детально объясняем, что и как работает, чтобы ты сделал правильный выбор не переплачивая.

Обращаясь к нам, не удивляйся, если ты получишь честный и жесткий ответ – часто случается так, что мы знаем лучше, что именно нужно нашему гостю. Особенно это касается мобилизованных без опыта боевых действий. Здесь ты можешь полагаться на нашу экспертность.

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Для нас важно предоставить тебе качественную экипировку и снаряжение соблюдая при этом законы нашей страны. Боец, помни, мы помогаем фондам, нуждающимся людям, подразделениям в зоне СВО. Отчеты об этом опубликованы как на сайте. На эту деятельность уходит значительная часть выручки. Делая покупки в нашем магазине, ты помогаешь людям и фронту. Уверен, что это найдет отзыв в твоем сердце.

У нашей команды есть набор ценностей: честность, справедливость, сопереживание, взаимопомощь, мужество, патриотичность. Уверены, ты их разделяешь, и мы легко найдем общий язык. Ну а если что-то пойдет не так, не руби с плеча, объясни, где мы ошиблись и поверь, мы разберемся и исправим. Наш девиз “In hostem omnia licita” – по отношению к врагу дозволено все. Возьми этот девиз, он поможет тебе принять правильное решение в трудной ситуации, с честью выполнить боевую задачу и вернуться домой живым и здоровым!

Rating 1.0/5.0
Review Published: October 2nd, 2024
Reply from "Keysreim Reccensioni" "ТАКТИЧЕСКИЕ ОЧКИ 5.11"

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Боец, Экипировка Эксперт — это розничный магазин, сотрудничающий с рядом оптовых складов и производителей. Это значит, что при должном количестве товара мы дадим очень хорошие цены.

Название взяли независимо от того, что наша страна сейчас проводит Специальную Военную Операцию, хорошая снаряга и экипировка нужна всегда. Готовишься в бой, мобилизован, привык активно проводить время или решил подготовить тревожный чемоданчик, мы поможем тебе. Наши клиенты: фонды, медики, такие же как ты бойцы СВО и обычные неравнодушные граждане.

Самое главное, что нужно о нас знать, мы детально объясняем, что и как работает, чтобы ты сделал правильный выбор не переплачивая.

Обращаясь к нам, не удивляйся, если ты получишь честный и жесткий ответ – часто случается так, что мы знаем лучше, что именно нужно нашему гостю. Особенно это касается мобилизованных без опыта боевых действий. Здесь ты можешь полагаться на нашу экспертность.

Одна из наших основных целей предоставить тебе возможность удобной и безопасной покупки: хоть за наличку, хоть по карте, хоть по счету. Повторимся, если нужна оптовая поставка, согласуем и отгрузим. Именно от того, как ты производишь оплату, зависит цена заказа.

Для нас важно предоставить тебе качественную экипировку и снаряжение соблюдая при этом законы нашей страны. Боец, помни, мы помогаем фондам, нуждающимся людям, подразделениям в зоне СВО. Отчеты об этом опубликованы как на сайте. На эту деятельность уходит значительная часть выручки. Делая покупки в нашем магазине, ты помогаешь людям и фронту. Уверен, что это найдет отзыв в твоем сердце.

У нашей команды есть набор ценностей: честность, справедливость, сопереживание, взаимопомощь, мужество, патриотичность. Уверены, ты их разделяешь, и мы легко найдем общий язык. Ну а если что-то пойдет не так, не руби с плеча, объясни, где мы ошиблись и поверь, мы разберемся и исправим. Наш девиз “In hostem omnia licita” – по отношению к врагу дозволено все. Возьми этот девиз, он поможет тебе принять правильное решение в трудной ситуации, с честью выполнить боевую задачу и вернуться домой живым и здоровым!

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Review Published: October 2nd, 2024
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Review Published: October 1st, 2024
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Rating 3.0/5.0
Review Published: September 29th, 2024
Reply from "Keysreim Reccensioni" "Бест Вей"

Это просто вопиющий случай, когда государственные органы, которым мы должны доверять, творят полное беззаконие. Дело против «Бест Вей» — это явный пример того, как силовики в союзе с мошенниками пытаются обманом забрать чужие деньги. Я являюсь пайщиком и могу сказать, что нас просто лишили законного права на наши квартиры. Люди копили деньги, планировали свое будущее, а теперь их просто морочат, удерживая 4 миллиарда рублей под непонятным предлогом. Где логика? Следствие говорит об ущербе на несколько сотен миллионов, а заблокировало в несколько раз больше. Это как назвать? Грабеж. Это преступление против нас, честных граждан, и даже против тех, кто с оружием в руках защищает страну. Они воюют, а их семьи не могут получить свои квартиры. Этот беспредел должен закончиться, а все, кто участвовал в этом преступном деле, от следователей до прокуроров, должны быть наказаны.

Rating 1.0/5.0
Review Published: September 29th, 2024
Reply from "Keysreim Reccensioni" "Ugimma hohuuu"

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Rating 2.0/5.0
Review Published: September 29th, 2024
Reply from "Keysreim Reccensioni" "гей порно член"

Arrowheads reveal the presence of a mysterious army in Europe’s oldest battle
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Today, the lush, green valley surrounding the Tollense River in northeast Germany appears to be a serene place to appreciate nature.

But to archaeologists, the Tollense Valley is considered Europe’s oldest battlefield.

An amateur archaeologist first spotted a bone sticking out of the riverbank in 1996.

A series of ongoing site excavations since 2008 has shown that the thousands of bones and hundreds of weapons preserved by the valley’s undisturbed environment were part of a large-scale battle 3,250 years ago.

The biggest mysteries that researchers aim to uncover are why the battle occurred and who fought in it. These are questions that they are now one step closer to answering.
ozens of bronze and flint arrowheads recovered from the Tollense Valley are revealing details about the able-bodied warriors who fought in the Bronze Age battle.

The research team analyzed and compared the arrowheads, some of which were still embedded in the remains of the fallen. While many of these weapons were locally produced, some bearing different shapes came from a region that now includes modern Bavaria and Moravia.

The outliers’ presence suggests that a southern army clashed with local tribes in the valley, and researchers suspect the conflict began at a key landmark along the river.

Back to the future
Scientists are harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to detect hidden archaeological sites buried below the sand of the sprawling Rub‘ al-Khali desert.

The desert spans 250,000 square miles (650,000 square kilometers) on the Arabian Peninsula, and its name translates to “the Empty Quarter” in English. To unravel the secrets of the desolate terrain, researchers are combining machine learning with a satellite imagery technique that uses radio waves to spot objects that may be concealed beneath surfaces.

The technology will be tested in October when excavations assess whether predicted structures are present at the Saruq Al Hadid complex in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Separately, an AI-assisted analysis uncovered a trove of ancient symbols in Peru’s Nazca Desert, nearly doubling the number of known geoglyphs, or stone and gravel arranged into giant shapes that depict animals, humans and geometric designs.

Rating 4.0/5.0
Review Published: September 29th, 2024
Reply from "Keysreim Reccensioni" "Гермес"

То, что сейчас происходит с кооперативом “Бест Вей“, вызывает у меня только злость и разочарование. Мы все доверяли этому кооперативу, и он действительно работал для нас. А теперь, когда мы уже стоим на пороге покупки жилья, наше будущее пытаются уничтожить. И кто за этим стоит? Центробанк и его кукловоды, которые не дают людям жить нормально, без их жестких банковских кабал. Сколько раз я уже слышал, что наш кооператив – это якобы финансовая пирамида. Но где доказательства? Почему никто не приходит и не проверяет нашу деятельность по-честному? Потому что они боятся правды, которая может выйти наружу. Правды о том, что кооперативы – это единственный путь к доступному жилью, и что мы могли бы изменить правила игры на рынке недвижимости. Меня особенно бесит, что все это началось с какого-то Краснодарского центра, который уже давно даже не существует. Это что за цирк? Почему кооператив в Санкт-Петербурге оценивает какая-то заброшенная организация с юга?

Rating 2.0/5.0
Review Published: September 29th, 2024
Reply from "Keysreim Reccensioni" "Бест Вей"

Набиуллина выполняет заказ мафии

Должностные лица ЦБ управляются тайными кукловодами
Почти три года назад кооператив «Бест Вей» был включен в предупредительный список ЦБ – с этого начались его злоключения. Становится все более очевидным, что это заказная акция, в которой Центробанк действовал в интересах банковской мафии, принимая решения, которые никто даже не потрудился подтвердить документами и фактами.
Осенью 2021 года потребительский кооператив «Бест Вей» – крупнейший российский кооператив, дававший возможность приобретать квартиры по всей России, в котором около 20 тыс. пайщиков, работающий с 2014 года, был включен в Список компаний с выявленными признаками нелегальной деятельности на финансовом рынке (предупредительный список) ЦБ – против него был использован относительно новый, только появившийся в 2021 году инструмент регулирования ЦБ на финансовом рынке.
Притом, что примерно за полтора года до этого – в 2019 году – ЦБ в официальном письме по запросу одной из общественных организаций заявлял, что у него нет вопросов к кооперативу – и в силу того, что потребительский кооператив не подведомствен ЦБ, и в силу того, что Банку России ничего не известно о нарушениях, которые требовали бы его вмешательства как мегарегулятора финансового рынка.
Однако в 2021 году все изменилось: включением в предупредительный список ЦБ попытался поставить кооператив вне закона, обрушить его деятельность. С включения в предупредительный список начались злоключения кооператива: блокирование его официальных информационных ресурсов, системы личных кабинетов и платежей, а затем и распространение на него уголовного дела, возбужденного той же осенью 2021 года по заявлением ряда клиентов иностранной компании «Гермес». Кооператив был объявлен аффилированной с «Гермесом» структурой, постановлением руководителя следственной группы ему был присвоен статус гражданского ответчика по уголовному делу.

Липовые основания
Но что лежало в основе включения в предупредительный список? Это стало известно недавно – из двух процессов в Приморском районном суде Санкт-Петербурга: уголовном, по обвинению бывших специалистов маркетинговой компании «Лайф-из-Гуд», сотрудничавшей с «Гермесом», в организации финансовой пирамиды, и гражданском – по иску Прокуратуры Санкт-Петербурга о признании кооператива «Бест Вей» незаконным.
Оказывается, впервые справку о нарушениях в кооперативе подготовил в 2019 году некий центр компетенций Южного главка ЦБ в Краснодаре – который уже ликвидирован, архив этого подразделения также, видимо, ликвидирован: первоисточников решений нет – указывается, что это некие обращения граждан: каких граждан и что отмечается в обращении, не упоминается. При этом краснодарский центр указывал в отчете, что руководствовался методическими рекомендациями МВД РФ «Квалификация и расследование организации деятельности «финансовых пирамид».
Далее Северо-Западный главк ЦБ (прежний руководитель – Надежда Савинская, нынешний руководитель – Ирина Петрова) – который обязан был провести собственную проверку по отношению к организациям в своей зоне ответственности (кооператив зарегистрирован в Санкт-Петербурге), просто переписывает документ из Краснодара – и направляет его в прокуратуру.
Параллельно документ идет «наверх» – и (теперь уже бывший) руководитель Департамента противодействия недобросовестным практикам ЦБ Валерий Лях, который, насколько известно, уехал из России – допросить его в суде не удалось, подмахивает документ о включении кооператива в предупредительный список.
При этом проверка деятельности кооператива не проводилась – никакая: ни выездная, ни камеральная. Документы у кооператива не запрашивались. Почему? А потому, объясняют представители ЦБ, что кооператив не является подведомственной ЦБ организацией и проверка была бы незаконной. То есть признать по выдуманным основаниям организацию недобросовестной и инициировать против нее уголовное дело можно, а проанализировать ее работу на основании подлинных документов нельзя.

Основано на заказе
ЦБ подкрепляет свое решение, во-первых, целыми восемью обращениями граждан – несколько более поздними, чем полумифические краснодарские. Но ни одно из которых не подано членом кооператива.
Граждане интересуются в своих обращениях: кооператив законен? Нет ли к нему вопросов у регулирующих организаций?
Во-вторых, актом осмотра официального сайта кооператива – в нем зафиксированы новости и структура личных кабинетов, больше ничего.
То есть решение, заблокировавшее нормальную деятельность кооператива более чем на два года, приведшее к аресту его счетов, абсолютно ни на чем не основано. Вернее, основано на заказе мафии, стремящейся захватить кооператив и конкурентов, борющихся с кооперативом.
При этом Центробанк рассказывает, что включение в список – это только информирование потенциальных потребителей финансовых услуг о рисках, но сам же себе противоречит, говоря, что именно ЦБ обратился в Роскомнадзор о блокировании информационных ресурсов кооператива, именно он обратился в прокуратуру и органы внутренних дел с предложением возбудить уголовное дело. И именно на основании письма его Северо-Западного главка уголовное дело начало расследоваться в том числе и в отношении кооператива. При этом за несколько лет расследования ни одного криминального эпизода не найдено: деятельность кооператива абсолютно юридически чиста.

Ложь Набиуллиной
По поводу судьбы кооператива «Бест Вей» и других кооперативов депутаты Государственной думы неоднократно обращались к руководству ЦБ, в том числе лично к Эльвире Набиуллиной. Они предлагали разобраться в ситуации, при необходимости ввести дополнительный контроль со стороны ЦБ, который снимет сомнения со стороны ведомства.
Набиуллина в прошлом году публично пообещала на пленарном заседании Думы проработать вопрос кооперативов, совместно с депутатским корпусом выработать компромиссные предложения – но за более чем год ничего не сделано!
Кооперация в России продолжает торпедироваться, а ведь это важнейший для экономического роста в стране сектор – способный аккумулировать миллиарды рублей (на счетах «Бест Вей» – более 4 млрд рублей!) и направить их в развитие экономики. Это важнейшее направление решения жилищного вопроса – альтернатива ипотеке, которая недоступна подавляющему большинству граждан и единственное, чему помогает, – это обогащению банков и мафии, стремящихся прибрать к рукам деньги граждан.

Круговая порука
Атаки центробанкиров на кооператив носят целенаправленный характер. Достоверно известно, что они велась с одобрения первого зампреда ЦБ Владимира Чистюхина – не говоря уже о бывшем и нынешнем руководителях Северо-Западного главка ЦБ Савинской и Петровой, бывшем директоре (упраздненного в прошлом году) Департамента противодействия недобросовестным практикам Валерии Ляхе, а также главе забравшего его функции Департамента небанковского кредитования Илье Кочеткове.
Это не что иное, как круговая порука. В прошлом году к руководителю службы по защите прав потребителей и обеспечению доступности финансовых услуг ЦБ Михаилу Мамуте обратились по поводу очевидного нарушения законодательства – банки отказались исполнить судебное решение о снятии ареста со счетов кооператива (позднее арест был наложен снова). Мамута под мифическими предлогами отказался наказать банки.
Очевидно, что происходит не что иное, как целенаправленное заказное преследование кооператива – в интересах неких сил, волю которых стремится исполнить Центробанк.
Атаки, с одной стороны, в интересах банкиров, стремящихся установить ипотечную монополию и перекрыть кислород кооперации, а с другой – тайных кукловодов, стремящихся захватить более 4 млрд на счетах кооператива.
Атака центробанкиров на кооператив должна быть вскрыта, расследована, виновные должны быть привлечены к ответственности!

Rating 3.0/5.0
Review Published: September 29th, 2024
Reply from "Keysreim Reccensioni" "онлайн казино"

проверь свою удачу

Rating 1.0/5.0
Review Published: September 29th, 2024
Reply from "Keysreim Reccensioni" "kraken официальный сайт"

Thai farmer forced to kill more than 100 endangered crocodiles after a typhoon damaged their enclosure
[url=https://krmp8.cc]kraken зеркало[/url]
A Thai crocodile farmer who goes by the nickname “Crocodile X” said he killed more than 100 critically endangered reptiles to prevent them from escaping after a typhoon damaged their enclosure.

Natthapak Khumkad, 37, who runs a crocodile farm in Lamphun, northern Thailand, said he scrambled to find his Siamese crocodiles a new home when he noticed a wall securing their enclosure was at risk of collapsing. But nowhere was large or secure enough to hold the crocodiles, some of which were up to 4 meters (13 feet) long.

To stop the crocodiles from getting loose into the local community, Natthapak said, he put 125 of them down on September 22.

“I had to make the most difficult decision of my life to kill them all,” he told CNN. “My family and I discussed if the wall collapsed the damage to people’s lives would be far bigger than we can control. It would involve people’s lives and public safety.”
Typhoon Yagi, Asia’s most powerful storm this year, swept across southern China and Southeast Asia this month, leaving a trail of destruction with its intense rainfall and powerful winds. Downpours inundated Thailand’s north, submerging homes and riverside villages, killing at least nine people.

Storms like Yagi are “getting stronger due to climate change, primarily because warmer ocean waters provide more energy to fuel the storms, leading to increased wind speeds and heavier rainfall,” said Benjamin Horton, director of the Earth Observatory of Singapore.

Natural disasters, including typhoons, pose a range of threats to wildlife, according to the International Fund for Animal Welfare. Flooding can leave animals stranded, in danger of drowning, or separated from their owners or families.

Rain and strong winds can also severely damage habitats and animal shelters. In 2022, Hurricane Ian hit Florida and destroyed the Little Bear Sanctuary in Punta Gorda, leaving 200 animals, including cows, horses, donkeys, pigs and birds without shelter.

The risk of natural disasters to animals is only increasing as human-caused climate change makes extreme weather events more frequent and volatile.

Rating 4.0/5.0
Review Published: September 29th, 2024
Reply from "Keysreim Reccensioni" "kraken магазин"

Thai farmer forced to kill more than 100 endangered crocodiles after a typhoon damaged their enclosure
A Thai crocodile farmer who goes by the nickname “Crocodile X” said he killed more than 100 critically endangered reptiles to prevent them from escaping after a typhoon damaged their enclosure.

Natthapak Khumkad, 37, who runs a crocodile farm in Lamphun, northern Thailand, said he scrambled to find his Siamese crocodiles a new home when he noticed a wall securing their enclosure was at risk of collapsing. But nowhere was large or secure enough to hold the crocodiles, some of which were up to 4 meters (13 feet) long.

To stop the crocodiles from getting loose into the local community, Natthapak said, he put 125 of them down on September 22.

“I had to make the most difficult decision of my life to kill them all,” he told CNN. “My family and I discussed if the wall collapsed the damage to people’s lives would be far bigger than we can control. It would involve people’s lives and public safety.”
Typhoon Yagi, Asia’s most powerful storm this year, swept across southern China and Southeast Asia this month, leaving a trail of destruction with its intense rainfall and powerful winds. Downpours inundated Thailand’s north, submerging homes and riverside villages, killing at least nine people.

Storms like Yagi are “getting stronger due to climate change, primarily because warmer ocean waters provide more energy to fuel the storms, leading to increased wind speeds and heavier rainfall,” said Benjamin Horton, director of the Earth Observatory of Singapore.

Natural disasters, including typhoons, pose a range of threats to wildlife, according to the International Fund for Animal Welfare. Flooding can leave animals stranded, in danger of drowning, or separated from their owners or families.

Rain and strong winds can also severely damage habitats and animal shelters. In 2022, Hurricane Ian hit Florida and destroyed the Little Bear Sanctuary in Punta Gorda, leaving 200 animals, including cows, horses, donkeys, pigs and birds without shelter.

The risk of natural disasters to animals is only increasing as human-caused climate change makes extreme weather events more frequent and volatile.

Rating 4.0/5.0
Review Published: September 29th, 2024
Reply from "Keysreim Reccensioni" "kra10 cc"

Thai farmer forced to kill more than 100 endangered crocodiles after a typhoon damaged their enclosure
[url=https://krmp8.cc]kraken marketplace[/url]
A Thai crocodile farmer who goes by the nickname “Crocodile X” said he killed more than 100 critically endangered reptiles to prevent them from escaping after a typhoon damaged their enclosure.

Natthapak Khumkad, 37, who runs a crocodile farm in Lamphun, northern Thailand, said he scrambled to find his Siamese crocodiles a new home when he noticed a wall securing their enclosure was at risk of collapsing. But nowhere was large or secure enough to hold the crocodiles, some of which were up to 4 meters (13 feet) long.

To stop the crocodiles from getting loose into the local community, Natthapak said, he put 125 of them down on September 22.

“I had to make the most difficult decision of my life to kill them all,” he told CNN. “My family and I discussed if the wall collapsed the damage to people’s lives would be far bigger than we can control. It would involve people’s lives and public safety.”
Typhoon Yagi, Asia’s most powerful storm this year, swept across southern China and Southeast Asia this month, leaving a trail of destruction with its intense rainfall and powerful winds. Downpours inundated Thailand’s north, submerging homes and riverside villages, killing at least nine people.

Storms like Yagi are “getting stronger due to climate change, primarily because warmer ocean waters provide more energy to fuel the storms, leading to increased wind speeds and heavier rainfall,” said Benjamin Horton, director of the Earth Observatory of Singapore.

Natural disasters, including typhoons, pose a range of threats to wildlife, according to the International Fund for Animal Welfare. Flooding can leave animals stranded, in danger of drowning, or separated from their owners or families.

Rain and strong winds can also severely damage habitats and animal shelters. In 2022, Hurricane Ian hit Florida and destroyed the Little Bear Sanctuary in Punta Gorda, leaving 200 animals, including cows, horses, donkeys, pigs and birds without shelter.

The risk of natural disasters to animals is only increasing as human-caused climate change makes extreme weather events more frequent and volatile.

Rating 2.0/5.0
Review Published: September 29th, 2024
Reply from "Keysreim Reccensioni" "kraken вход"

7 simple secrets to eating the Mediterranean way
What if “diet” wasn’t a dirty word?

During Suzy Karadsheh’s childhood in Port Said, Egypt, diet culture was nonexistent.

“My parents emphasized joy at the table, rather than anything else,” Karadsheh said. “I grew up with Mediterranean lifestyle principles that celebrate eating with the seasons, eating mostly whole foods and above all else, sharing.”

But when Karadsheh moved to the United States at age 16, she witnessed people doing detoxes or restricting certain food groups or ingredients. Surrounded by that narrative and an abundance of new foods in her college dining hall, she says she “gained the freshman 31 instead of the freshman 15.” When she returned home to Egypt that summer, “I eased back into eating the Mediterranean food that I grew up with. During the span of about two months, I shed all of that weight without thinking I was ever on a diet.”
To help invite joy back to the table for others — and to keep her family’s culinary heritage alive for her two daughters (now 14 and 22) — Atlanta-based Karadsheh launched The Mediterranean Dish food blog 10 years ago. Quickly, her table started getting filled with more than just her friends and family.

“I started receiving emails from folks whose doctors had prescribed the Mediterranean diet and were seeking approachable recipes,” Karadsheh said. The plant-based eating lifestyle, often rated the world’s best diet, can reduce the risk for diabetes, high cholesterol, dementia, memory loss and depression, according to research. What’s more, the meal plan has been linked to stronger bones, a healthier heart and longer life.

Preparing meals the Mediterranean way, according to Karadsheh, can help you “eat well and live joyfully. To us, ‘diet’ doesn’t mean a list of ‘eat this’ and ‘don’t eat that.’” Instead of omission, Karadsheh focuses on abundance, asking herself, “what can I add to my life through this way of living? More whole foods, vegetables, grains, legumes? Naturally, when you add these good-for-you ingredients, you eat less of what’s not as health-promoting,” she told CNN.

Rating 3.0/5.0
Review Published: September 29th, 2024
Reply from "Keysreim Reccensioni" "kraken darknet"

Thai farmer forced to kill more than 100 endangered crocodiles after a typhoon damaged their enclosure
[url=https://krmp8.cc]kraken shop[/url]
A Thai crocodile farmer who goes by the nickname “Crocodile X” said he killed more than 100 critically endangered reptiles to prevent them from escaping after a typhoon damaged their enclosure.

Natthapak Khumkad, 37, who runs a crocodile farm in Lamphun, northern Thailand, said he scrambled to find his Siamese crocodiles a new home when he noticed a wall securing their enclosure was at risk of collapsing. But nowhere was large or secure enough to hold the crocodiles, some of which were up to 4 meters (13 feet) long.

To stop the crocodiles from getting loose into the local community, Natthapak said, he put 125 of them down on September 22.

“I had to make the most difficult decision of my life to kill them all,” he told CNN. “My family and I discussed if the wall collapsed the damage to people’s lives would be far bigger than we can control. It would involve people’s lives and public safety.”
Typhoon Yagi, Asia’s most powerful storm this year, swept across southern China and Southeast Asia this month, leaving a trail of destruction with its intense rainfall and powerful winds. Downpours inundated Thailand’s north, submerging homes and riverside villages, killing at least nine people.

Storms like Yagi are “getting stronger due to climate change, primarily because warmer ocean waters provide more energy to fuel the storms, leading to increased wind speeds and heavier rainfall,” said Benjamin Horton, director of the Earth Observatory of Singapore.

Natural disasters, including typhoons, pose a range of threats to wildlife, according to the International Fund for Animal Welfare. Flooding can leave animals stranded, in danger of drowning, or separated from their owners or families.

Rain and strong winds can also severely damage habitats and animal shelters. In 2022, Hurricane Ian hit Florida and destroyed the Little Bear Sanctuary in Punta Gorda, leaving 200 animals, including cows, horses, donkeys, pigs and birds without shelter.

The risk of natural disasters to animals is only increasing as human-caused climate change makes extreme weather events more frequent and volatile.

Rating 4.0/5.0
Review Published: September 29th, 2024
Reply from "Keysreim Reccensioni" "kra9.cc"

Sea robins are fish with ‘the wings of a bird and multiple legs like a crab’
Some types of sea robins, a peculiar bottom-dwelling ocean fish, use taste bud-covered legs to sense and dig up prey along the seafloor, according to new research.

Sea robins are so adept at rooting out prey as they walk along the ocean floor on their six leglike appendages that other fish follow them around in the hope of snagging some freshly uncovered prey themselves, said the authors of two new studies published Thursday in the journal Current Biology.

David Kingsley, coauthor of both studies, first came across the fish in the summer of 2016 after giving a seminar at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Kingsley is the Rudy J. and Daphne Donohue Munzer Professor in the department of developmental biology at Stanford University’s School of Medicine.

Before leaving to catch a flight, Kingsley stopped at a small public aquarium, where he spied sea robins and their delicate fins, which resemble the feathery wings of a bird, as well as leglike appendages.

“The sea robins on display completely spun my head around because they had the body of a fish, the wings of a bird, and multiple legs like a crab,” Kingsley said in an email.
“I’d never seen a fish that looked like it was made of body parts from many different types of animals.”
Kingsley and his colleagues decided to study sea robins in a lab setting, uncovering a wealth of surprises, including the differences between sea robin species and the genetics responsible for their unusual traits, such as leglike fins that have evolved so that they largely function as sensory organs.

The findings of the study team’s new research show how evolution leads to complex adaptations in specific environments, such as the ability of sea robins to be able to “taste” prey using their quickly scurrying and highly sensitive appendages.

Rating 4.0/5.0
Review Published: September 29th, 2024
Reply from "Keysreim Reccensioni" "kraken тор браузер"

7 simple secrets to eating the Mediterranean way
What if “diet” wasn’t a dirty word?

During Suzy Karadsheh’s childhood in Port Said, Egypt, diet culture was nonexistent.

“My parents emphasized joy at the table, rather than anything else,” Karadsheh said. “I grew up with Mediterranean lifestyle principles that celebrate eating with the seasons, eating mostly whole foods and above all else, sharing.”

But when Karadsheh moved to the United States at age 16, she witnessed people doing detoxes or restricting certain food groups or ingredients. Surrounded by that narrative and an abundance of new foods in her college dining hall, she says she “gained the freshman 31 instead of the freshman 15.” When she returned home to Egypt that summer, “I eased back into eating the Mediterranean food that I grew up with. During the span of about two months, I shed all of that weight without thinking I was ever on a diet.”
To help invite joy back to the table for others — and to keep her family’s culinary heritage alive for her two daughters (now 14 and 22) — Atlanta-based Karadsheh launched The Mediterranean Dish food blog 10 years ago. Quickly, her table started getting filled with more than just her friends and family.

“I started receiving emails from folks whose doctors had prescribed the Mediterranean diet and were seeking approachable recipes,” Karadsheh said. The plant-based eating lifestyle, often rated the world’s best diet, can reduce the risk for diabetes, high cholesterol, dementia, memory loss and depression, according to research. What’s more, the meal plan has been linked to stronger bones, a healthier heart and longer life.

Preparing meals the Mediterranean way, according to Karadsheh, can help you “eat well and live joyfully. To us, ‘diet’ doesn’t mean a list of ‘eat this’ and ‘don’t eat that.’” Instead of omission, Karadsheh focuses on abundance, asking herself, “what can I add to my life through this way of living? More whole foods, vegetables, grains, legumes? Naturally, when you add these good-for-you ingredients, you eat less of what’s not as health-promoting,” she told CNN.

Rating 1.0/5.0
Review Published: September 29th, 2024
Reply from "Keysreim Reccensioni" "Ogwzav lmzoit"

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Rating 4.0/5.0
Review Published: September 28th, 2024
Reply from "Keysreim Reccensioni" "кракен"

Thai farmer forced to kill more than 100 endangered crocodiles after a typhoon damaged their enclosure
[url=https://krmp8.cc]kra10 cc[/url]
A Thai crocodile farmer who goes by the nickname “Crocodile X” said he killed more than 100 critically endangered reptiles to prevent them from escaping after a typhoon damaged their enclosure.

Natthapak Khumkad, 37, who runs a crocodile farm in Lamphun, northern Thailand, said he scrambled to find his Siamese crocodiles a new home when he noticed a wall securing their enclosure was at risk of collapsing. But nowhere was large or secure enough to hold the crocodiles, some of which were up to 4 meters (13 feet) long.

To stop the crocodiles from getting loose into the local community, Natthapak said, he put 125 of them down on September 22.

“I had to make the most difficult decision of my life to kill them all,” he told CNN. “My family and I discussed if the wall collapsed the damage to people’s lives would be far bigger than we can control. It would involve people’s lives and public safety.”
Typhoon Yagi, Asia’s most powerful storm this year, swept across southern China and Southeast Asia this month, leaving a trail of destruction with its intense rainfall and powerful winds. Downpours inundated Thailand’s north, submerging homes and riverside villages, killing at least nine people.

Storms like Yagi are “getting stronger due to climate change, primarily because warmer ocean waters provide more energy to fuel the storms, leading to increased wind speeds and heavier rainfall,” said Benjamin Horton, director of the Earth Observatory of Singapore.

Natural disasters, including typhoons, pose a range of threats to wildlife, according to the International Fund for Animal Welfare. Flooding can leave animals stranded, in danger of drowning, or separated from their owners or families.

Rain and strong winds can also severely damage habitats and animal shelters. In 2022, Hurricane Ian hit Florida and destroyed the Little Bear Sanctuary in Punta Gorda, leaving 200 animals, including cows, horses, donkeys, pigs and birds without shelter.

The risk of natural disasters to animals is only increasing as human-caused climate change makes extreme weather events more frequent and volatile.

Rating 1.0/5.0
Review Published: September 28th, 2024
Reply from "Keysreim Reccensioni" "kra9.cc"

Sea robins are fish with ‘the wings of a bird and multiple legs like a crab’
Some types of sea robins, a peculiar bottom-dwelling ocean fish, use taste bud-covered legs to sense and dig up prey along the seafloor, according to new research.

Sea robins are so adept at rooting out prey as they walk along the ocean floor on their six leglike appendages that other fish follow them around in the hope of snagging some freshly uncovered prey themselves, said the authors of two new studies published Thursday in the journal Current Biology.

David Kingsley, coauthor of both studies, first came across the fish in the summer of 2016 after giving a seminar at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Kingsley is the Rudy J. and Daphne Donohue Munzer Professor in the department of developmental biology at Stanford University’s School of Medicine.

Before leaving to catch a flight, Kingsley stopped at a small public aquarium, where he spied sea robins and their delicate fins, which resemble the feathery wings of a bird, as well as leglike appendages.

“The sea robins on display completely spun my head around because they had the body of a fish, the wings of a bird, and multiple legs like a crab,” Kingsley said in an email.
“I’d never seen a fish that looked like it was made of body parts from many different types of animals.”
Kingsley and his colleagues decided to study sea robins in a lab setting, uncovering a wealth of surprises, including the differences between sea robin species and the genetics responsible for their unusual traits, such as leglike fins that have evolved so that they largely function as sensory organs.

The findings of the study team’s new research show how evolution leads to complex adaptations in specific environments, such as the ability of sea robins to be able to “taste” prey using their quickly scurrying and highly sensitive appendages.

Rating 2.0/5.0
Review Published: September 28th, 2024
Reply from "Keysreim Reccensioni" "kraken войти"

7 simple secrets to eating the Mediterranean way
[url=https://kr08.cc]kraken тор браузер[/url]
What if “diet” wasn’t a dirty word?

During Suzy Karadsheh’s childhood in Port Said, Egypt, diet culture was nonexistent.

“My parents emphasized joy at the table, rather than anything else,” Karadsheh said. “I grew up with Mediterranean lifestyle principles that celebrate eating with the seasons, eating mostly whole foods and above all else, sharing.”

But when Karadsheh moved to the United States at age 16, she witnessed people doing detoxes or restricting certain food groups or ingredients. Surrounded by that narrative and an abundance of new foods in her college dining hall, she says she “gained the freshman 31 instead of the freshman 15.” When she returned home to Egypt that summer, “I eased back into eating the Mediterranean food that I grew up with. During the span of about two months, I shed all of that weight without thinking I was ever on a diet.”
To help invite joy back to the table for others — and to keep her family’s culinary heritage alive for her two daughters (now 14 and 22) — Atlanta-based Karadsheh launched The Mediterranean Dish food blog 10 years ago. Quickly, her table started getting filled with more than just her friends and family.

“I started receiving emails from folks whose doctors had prescribed the Mediterranean diet and were seeking approachable recipes,” Karadsheh said. The plant-based eating lifestyle, often rated the world’s best diet, can reduce the risk for diabetes, high cholesterol, dementia, memory loss and depression, according to research. What’s more, the meal plan has been linked to stronger bones, a healthier heart and longer life.

Preparing meals the Mediterranean way, according to Karadsheh, can help you “eat well and live joyfully. To us, ‘diet’ doesn’t mean a list of ‘eat this’ and ‘don’t eat that.’” Instead of omission, Karadsheh focuses on abundance, asking herself, “what can I add to my life through this way of living? More whole foods, vegetables, grains, legumes? Naturally, when you add these good-for-you ingredients, you eat less of what’s not as health-promoting,” she told CNN.

Rating 1.0/5.0
Review Published: September 28th, 2024
Reply from "Keysreim Reccensioni" "kra8.cc"

Automatic takeoffs are coming for passenger jets and they’re going to redraw the map of the sky

In late 1965, at what’s now London Heathrow airport, a commercial flight coming from Paris made history by being the first to land automatically.

The plane – A Trident 1C operated by BEA, which would later become British Airways – was equipped with a newly developed extension of the autopilot (a system to help guide the plane’s path without manual control) known as “autoland.”

Today, automatic landing systems are installed on most commercial aircraft and improve the safety of landings in difficult weather or poor visibility.

Now, nearly 60 years later, the world’s third largest aircraft manufacturer, Brazil’s Embraer, is introducing a similar technology, but for takeoffs.

Called “E2 Enhanced Take Off System,” after the family of aircraft it’s designed for, the technology would not only improve safety by reducing pilot workload, but it would also improve range and takeoff weight, allowing the planes that use it to travel farther, according to Embraer.

“The system is better than the pilots,” says Patrice London, principal performance engineer at Embraer, who has worked on the project for over a decade. ”That’s because it performs in the same way all the time. If you do 1,000 takeoffs, you will get 1,000 of exactly the same takeoff.”

Embraer, London adds, has already started flight testing, with the aim to get it approved by aviation authorities in 2025, before introducing it from select airports.

Rating 2.0/5.0
Review Published: September 28th, 2024
Reply from "Keysreim Reccensioni" "kraken зеркало"

7 simple secrets to eating the Mediterranean way
[url=https://kr08.cc]kraken shop[/url]
What if “diet” wasn’t a dirty word?

During Suzy Karadsheh’s childhood in Port Said, Egypt, diet culture was nonexistent.

“My parents emphasized joy at the table, rather than anything else,” Karadsheh said. “I grew up with Mediterranean lifestyle principles that celebrate eating with the seasons, eating mostly whole foods and above all else, sharing.”

But when Karadsheh moved to the United States at age 16, she witnessed people doing detoxes or restricting certain food groups or ingredients. Surrounded by that narrative and an abundance of new foods in her college dining hall, she says she “gained the freshman 31 instead of the freshman 15.” When she returned home to Egypt that summer, “I eased back into eating the Mediterranean food that I grew up with. During the span of about two months, I shed all of that weight without thinking I was ever on a diet.”
To help invite joy back to the table for others — and to keep her family’s culinary heritage alive for her two daughters (now 14 and 22) — Atlanta-based Karadsheh launched The Mediterranean Dish food blog 10 years ago. Quickly, her table started getting filled with more than just her friends and family.

“I started receiving emails from folks whose doctors had prescribed the Mediterranean diet and were seeking approachable recipes,” Karadsheh said. The plant-based eating lifestyle, often rated the world’s best diet, can reduce the risk for diabetes, high cholesterol, dementia, memory loss and depression, according to research. What’s more, the meal plan has been linked to stronger bones, a healthier heart and longer life.

Preparing meals the Mediterranean way, according to Karadsheh, can help you “eat well and live joyfully. To us, ‘diet’ doesn’t mean a list of ‘eat this’ and ‘don’t eat that.’” Instead of omission, Karadsheh focuses on abundance, asking herself, “what can I add to my life through this way of living? More whole foods, vegetables, grains, legumes? Naturally, when you add these good-for-you ingredients, you eat less of what’s not as health-promoting,” she told CNN.

Rating 1.0/5.0
Review Published: September 28th, 2024
Reply from "Keysreim Reccensioni" "kraken войти"

You can now order your Spirit Halloween costume on Uber Eats
[url=https://kr08.cc]kra8 gl[/url]
Uber is cashing in on spooky season.

The ridehailing company will now deliver costumes, makeup, and even decorations from Spirit Halloween, the largest Halloween retailer in North America, Uber announced in a press release Friday.

Big-box retailers are getting into Halloween earlier and earlier, suggesting American consumers continue spending on the October holiday even as they pull back from other discretionary purchases.

Customers in the US and Canada can buy their Chipotle burrito costume for the same price as in store, but without having to visit the seasonal Halloween store that pops up in abandoned storefronts every year, Uber said. Of course, there will still be the fees associated with Uber Eats delivery.

Spirit Halloween has 1,525 locations.

“The holiday season officially kicks off this time of year, and households across the country are looking to on-demand delivery to get what’s needed—now,” said Beryl Sanders, director of US grocery and retail partnerships at Uber, in a statement.

Since the pandemic, different types of retailers have partnered with Uber to deliver their goods – such as Olive Garden for its breadsticks and pasta. Uber Eats has also partnered with Big Lots, Lowe’s, Michael’s and Party City for on-demand delivery.

Uber and its competitors have also experimented with robot deliveries, though those have not fully taken off in the US market.

Rating 1.0/5.0
Review Published: September 28th, 2024
Reply from "Keysreim Reccensioni" "kra9 cc"

Automatic takeoffs are coming for passenger jets and they’re going to redraw the map of the sky
[url=https://krmp8.cc]kra9 cc[/url]

In late 1965, at what’s now London Heathrow airport, a commercial flight coming from Paris made history by being the first to land automatically.

The plane – A Trident 1C operated by BEA, which would later become British Airways – was equipped with a newly developed extension of the autopilot (a system to help guide the plane’s path without manual control) known as “autoland.”

Today, automatic landing systems are installed on most commercial aircraft and improve the safety of landings in difficult weather or poor visibility.

Now, nearly 60 years later, the world’s third largest aircraft manufacturer, Brazil’s Embraer, is introducing a similar technology, but for takeoffs.

Called “E2 Enhanced Take Off System,” after the family of aircraft it’s designed for, the technology would not only improve safety by reducing pilot workload, but it would also improve range and takeoff weight, allowing the planes that use it to travel farther, according to Embraer.

“The system is better than the pilots,” says Patrice London, principal performance engineer at Embraer, who has worked on the project for over a decade. ”That’s because it performs in the same way all the time. If you do 1,000 takeoffs, you will get 1,000 of exactly the same takeoff.”

Embraer, London adds, has already started flight testing, with the aim to get it approved by aviation authorities in 2025, before introducing it from select airports.

Rating 3.0/5.0
Review Published: September 28th, 2024
Reply from "Keysreim Reccensioni" "kraken ссылка"

Look of the Week: Forget the naked dress, Kendall Jenner makes the case for underwear as outerwear
[url=https://krmp8.cc]kra9 cc[/url]

On Monday, Kendall Jenner stepped out onto the L’Oreal Paris womenswear runway in a scarlet red Mugler gown that might have looked familiar to anyone with a sharp memory of 1999.

The front of the dress was slashed open across Jenner’s right shoulder, exposing a matching denier bra. The peekaboo moment conjured up memories of another example of fashionable flashing: Lil’ Kim’s purple embellished jumpsuit at the VMAs 26 years earlier. On the red carpet, Kim’s left breast was almost entirely revealed by an asymmetrical cut — a mirror image of Jenner’s neckline — save for a matching purple nipple pasty.
Jenner’s Mugler moment was just the latest example of a resurging tendency for underwear as outerwear. At the Nensi Dojaka runway show in London earlier this month, boxy blazers were shrugged over strappy bras while paneled bustiers in sheer fabric were paired with capri trousers and reimagined as going out tops. Brasseries were even left exposed to the elements at Erdem — a departure for a house beloved by both British acting royalty (Kristen Scott Thomas) and actual royalty (the Duchess of Cambridge). Dolce & Gabbana got the memo, too, showing satin corsets, garter belts and Madonna-esque cone bras at Milan Fashion Week on Saturday. Florence Pugh even wore one of the label’s risque designs in her first British Vogue cover last week — the circle neckline of her puff-shouldered black dress scooping just above the belly button, acting as a full-frontal frame for her bra.
But the trend extends beyond just the runways. During the first performance of her “Short n’ Sweet” tour on Monday, singer Sabrina Carpenter took to the stage in a custom Victoria’s Secret bodysuit and stockings. Hand-adorned with over 150,000 crystals, the strapless pink lace-trimmed leotard took over 140 hours to make. On Monday,YouTube star and singer Jojo Siwa inverted the fad by donning a codpiece for a headline-grabbing cover shoot with LadyGunn magazine. The 15th century undergarment was bedazzled with flesh-colored gemstones.

Rating 4.0/5.0
Review Published: September 28th, 2024
Reply from "Keysreim Reccensioni" "kra9 cc"

Look of the Week: Forget the naked dress, Kendall Jenner makes the case for underwear as outerwear
[url=https://krmp8.cc]kraken войти[/url]

On Monday, Kendall Jenner stepped out onto the L’Oreal Paris womenswear runway in a scarlet red Mugler gown that might have looked familiar to anyone with a sharp memory of 1999.

The front of the dress was slashed open across Jenner’s right shoulder, exposing a matching denier bra. The peekaboo moment conjured up memories of another example of fashionable flashing: Lil’ Kim’s purple embellished jumpsuit at the VMAs 26 years earlier. On the red carpet, Kim’s left breast was almost entirely revealed by an asymmetrical cut — a mirror image of Jenner’s neckline — save for a matching purple nipple pasty.
Jenner’s Mugler moment was just the latest example of a resurging tendency for underwear as outerwear. At the Nensi Dojaka runway show in London earlier this month, boxy blazers were shrugged over strappy bras while paneled bustiers in sheer fabric were paired with capri trousers and reimagined as going out tops. Brasseries were even left exposed to the elements at Erdem — a departure for a house beloved by both British acting royalty (Kristen Scott Thomas) and actual royalty (the Duchess of Cambridge). Dolce & Gabbana got the memo, too, showing satin corsets, garter belts and Madonna-esque cone bras at Milan Fashion Week on Saturday. Florence Pugh even wore one of the label’s risque designs in her first British Vogue cover last week — the circle neckline of her puff-shouldered black dress scooping just above the belly button, acting as a full-frontal frame for her bra.
But the trend extends beyond just the runways. During the first performance of her “Short n’ Sweet” tour on Monday, singer Sabrina Carpenter took to the stage in a custom Victoria’s Secret bodysuit and stockings. Hand-adorned with over 150,000 crystals, the strapless pink lace-trimmed leotard took over 140 hours to make. On Monday,YouTube star and singer Jojo Siwa inverted the fad by donning a codpiece for a headline-grabbing cover shoot with LadyGunn magazine. The 15th century undergarment was bedazzled with flesh-colored gemstones.

Rating 4.0/5.0
Review Published: September 28th, 2024
Reply from "Keysreim Reccensioni" "kraken onion"

You can now order your Spirit Halloween costume on Uber Eats
Uber is cashing in on spooky season.

The ridehailing company will now deliver costumes, makeup, and even decorations from Spirit Halloween, the largest Halloween retailer in North America, Uber announced in a press release Friday.

Big-box retailers are getting into Halloween earlier and earlier, suggesting American consumers continue spending on the October holiday even as they pull back from other discretionary purchases.

Customers in the US and Canada can buy their Chipotle burrito costume for the same price as in store, but without having to visit the seasonal Halloween store that pops up in abandoned storefronts every year, Uber said. Of course, there will still be the fees associated with Uber Eats delivery.

Spirit Halloween has 1,525 locations.

“The holiday season officially kicks off this time of year, and households across the country are looking to on-demand delivery to get what’s needed—now,” said Beryl Sanders, director of US grocery and retail partnerships at Uber, in a statement.

Since the pandemic, different types of retailers have partnered with Uber to deliver their goods – such as Olive Garden for its breadsticks and pasta. Uber Eats has also partnered with Big Lots, Lowe’s, Michael’s and Party City for on-demand delivery.

Uber and its competitors have also experimented with robot deliveries, though those have not fully taken off in the US market.

Rating 2.0/5.0
Review Published: September 28th, 2024
Reply from "Keysreim Reccensioni" "kraken shop"

Look of the Week: Forget the naked dress, Kendall Jenner makes the case for underwear as outerwear
[url=https://krmp8.cc]кракен даркнет[/url]

On Monday, Kendall Jenner stepped out onto the L’Oreal Paris womenswear runway in a scarlet red Mugler gown that might have looked familiar to anyone with a sharp memory of 1999.

The front of the dress was slashed open across Jenner’s right shoulder, exposing a matching denier bra. The peekaboo moment conjured up memories of another example of fashionable flashing: Lil’ Kim’s purple embellished jumpsuit at the VMAs 26 years earlier. On the red carpet, Kim’s left breast was almost entirely revealed by an asymmetrical cut — a mirror image of Jenner’s neckline — save for a matching purple nipple pasty.
Jenner’s Mugler moment was just the latest example of a resurging tendency for underwear as outerwear. At the Nensi Dojaka runway show in London earlier this month, boxy blazers were shrugged over strappy bras while paneled bustiers in sheer fabric were paired with capri trousers and reimagined as going out tops. Brasseries were even left exposed to the elements at Erdem — a departure for a house beloved by both British acting royalty (Kristen Scott Thomas) and actual royalty (the Duchess of Cambridge). Dolce & Gabbana got the memo, too, showing satin corsets, garter belts and Madonna-esque cone bras at Milan Fashion Week on Saturday. Florence Pugh even wore one of the label’s risque designs in her first British Vogue cover last week — the circle neckline of her puff-shouldered black dress scooping just above the belly button, acting as a full-frontal frame for her bra.
But the trend extends beyond just the runways. During the first performance of her “Short n’ Sweet” tour on Monday, singer Sabrina Carpenter took to the stage in a custom Victoria’s Secret bodysuit and stockings. Hand-adorned with over 150,000 crystals, the strapless pink lace-trimmed leotard took over 140 hours to make. On Monday,YouTube star and singer Jojo Siwa inverted the fad by donning a codpiece for a headline-grabbing cover shoot with LadyGunn magazine. The 15th century undergarment was bedazzled with flesh-colored gemstones.

Rating 4.0/5.0
Review Published: September 28th, 2024
Reply from "Keysreim Reccensioni" "kraken вход"

You can now order your Spirit Halloween costume on Uber Eats
Uber is cashing in on spooky season.

The ridehailing company will now deliver costumes, makeup, and even decorations from Spirit Halloween, the largest Halloween retailer in North America, Uber announced in a press release Friday.

Big-box retailers are getting into Halloween earlier and earlier, suggesting American consumers continue spending on the October holiday even as they pull back from other discretionary purchases.

Customers in the US and Canada can buy their Chipotle burrito costume for the same price as in store, but without having to visit the seasonal Halloween store that pops up in abandoned storefronts every year, Uber said. Of course, there will still be the fees associated with Uber Eats delivery.

Spirit Halloween has 1,525 locations.

“The holiday season officially kicks off this time of year, and households across the country are looking to on-demand delivery to get what’s needed—now,” said Beryl Sanders, director of US grocery and retail partnerships at Uber, in a statement.

Since the pandemic, different types of retailers have partnered with Uber to deliver their goods – such as Olive Garden for its breadsticks and pasta. Uber Eats has also partnered with Big Lots, Lowe’s, Michael’s and Party City for on-demand delivery.

Uber and its competitors have also experimented with robot deliveries, though those have not fully taken off in the US market.

Rating 4.0/5.0
Review Published: September 28th, 2024
Reply from "Keysreim Reccensioni" "MEGA ссылка"

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will meet US President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in Washington on Thursday. Leon Neal/Getty Images

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit to the White House on Thursday could be his final chance to convince a receptive American president of his country’s war aims.
The precise details of the “victory plan” Zelensky plans to present in separate meetings to President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are unknown, having been closely held until they are presented to the American leaders.

But according to people briefed on its broad contours, the plan reflects the Ukrainian leader’s urgent appeals for more immediate help countering Russia’s invasion. Zelensky is also poised to push for long-term security guarantees that could withstand changes in American leadership ahead of what is widely expected to be a close presidential election between Harris and former President Donald Trump.

The plan, people familiar with it said, acts as Zelensky’s response to growing war weariness even among his staunchest of western allies. It will make the case that Ukraine can still win — and does not need to cede Russian-seized territory for the fighting to end — if enough assistance is rushed in.

That includes again asking permission to fire Western provided long-range weapons deeper into Russian territory, a line Biden once was loathe to cross but which he’s recently appeared more open to as he has come under growing pressure to relent.

Even if Biden decides to allow the long-range fires, it’s unclear whether the change in policy would be announced publicly.

Biden is usually apt to take his time making decisions about providing Ukraine new capabilities. But with November’s election potentially portending a major change in American approach to the war if Trump were to win, Ukrainian officials — and many American ones — believe there is little time to waste.
Trump has claimed he will be able to “settle” the war upon taking office and has suggested he’ll end US support for Kyiv’s war effort.

“Those cities are gone, they’re gone, and we continue to give billions of dollars to a man who refused to make a deal, Zelensky. There was no deal that he could have made that wouldn’t have been better than the situation you have right now. You have a country that has been obliterated, not possible to be rebuilt,” Trump said during a campaign speech in Mint Hill, North Carolina, on Wednesday.

Comments like those have lent new weight to Thursday’s Oval Office talks, according to American and European officials, who have described an imperative to surge assistance to Ukraine while Biden is still in office.

As part of Zelensky’s visit, the US is expected to announce a major new security package, thought it will likely delay the shipping of the equipment due to inventory shortages, CNN previously reported according to two US officials. On Wednesday, the US announced a package of $375 million.

The president previewed Zelensky’s visit to the White House a day beforehand, declaring on the margins of the United Nations General Assembly his administration was “determined to ensure that Ukraine has what it needs to prevail in fight for survival.”
“Tomorrow, I will announce a series of actions to accelerate support for Ukraine’s military – but we know Ukraine’s future victory is about more than what happens on the battlefield, it’s also about what Ukrainians do make the most of a free and independent future, which so many have sacrificed so much for,” he said.

Rating 4.0/5.0
Review Published: September 27th, 2024
Reply from "Keysreim Reccensioni" "Npeuhx zxcdec"

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Rating 2.0/5.0
Review Published: September 27th, 2024
Reply from "Keysreim Reccensioni" "Cjqpuv ggzszs"

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Rating 3.0/5.0
Review Published: September 27th, 2024
Reply from "Keysreim Reccensioni" "megaweb20.com"

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will meet US President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in Washington on Thursday. Leon Neal/Getty Images

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit to the White House on Thursday could be his final chance to convince a receptive American president of his country’s war aims.
The precise details of the “victory plan” Zelensky plans to present in separate meetings to President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are unknown, having been closely held until they are presented to the American leaders.

But according to people briefed on its broad contours, the plan reflects the Ukrainian leader’s urgent appeals for more immediate help countering Russia’s invasion. Zelensky is also poised to push for long-term security guarantees that could withstand changes in American leadership ahead of what is widely expected to be a close presidential election between Harris and former President Donald Trump.

The plan, people familiar with it said, acts as Zelensky’s response to growing war weariness even among his staunchest of western allies. It will make the case that Ukraine can still win — and does not need to cede Russian-seized territory for the fighting to end — if enough assistance is rushed in.

That includes again asking permission to fire Western provided long-range weapons deeper into Russian territory, a line Biden once was loathe to cross but which he’s recently appeared more open to as he has come under growing pressure to relent.

Even if Biden decides to allow the long-range fires, it’s unclear whether the change in policy would be announced publicly.

Biden is usually apt to take his time making decisions about providing Ukraine new capabilities. But with November’s election potentially portending a major change in American approach to the war if Trump were to win, Ukrainian officials — and many American ones — believe there is little time to waste.
мега ссылка
Trump has claimed he will be able to “settle” the war upon taking office and has suggested he’ll end US support for Kyiv’s war effort.

“Those cities are gone, they’re gone, and we continue to give billions of dollars to a man who refused to make a deal, Zelensky. There was no deal that he could have made that wouldn’t have been better than the situation you have right now. You have a country that has been obliterated, not possible to be rebuilt,” Trump said during a campaign speech in Mint Hill, North Carolina, on Wednesday.

Comments like those have lent new weight to Thursday’s Oval Office talks, according to American and European officials, who have described an imperative to surge assistance to Ukraine while Biden is still in office.

As part of Zelensky’s visit, the US is expected to announce a major new security package, thought it will likely delay the shipping of the equipment due to inventory shortages, CNN previously reported according to two US officials. On Wednesday, the US announced a package of $375 million.

The president previewed Zelensky’s visit to the White House a day beforehand, declaring on the margins of the United Nations General Assembly his administration was “determined to ensure that Ukraine has what it needs to prevail in fight for survival.”
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“Tomorrow, I will announce a series of actions to accelerate support for Ukraine’s military – but we know Ukraine’s future victory is about more than what happens on the battlefield, it’s also about what Ukrainians do make the most of a free and independent future, which so many have sacrificed so much for,” he said.

Rating 1.0/5.0
Review Published: September 27th, 2024
Reply from "Keysreim Reccensioni" "MEGA ссылка"

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will meet US President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in Washington on Thursday. Leon Neal/Getty Images

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit to the White House on Thursday could be his final chance to convince a receptive American president of his country’s war aims.
The precise details of the “victory plan” Zelensky plans to present in separate meetings to President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are unknown, having been closely held until they are presented to the American leaders.

But according to people briefed on its broad contours, the plan reflects the Ukrainian leader’s urgent appeals for more immediate help countering Russia’s invasion. Zelensky is also poised to push for long-term security guarantees that could withstand changes in American leadership ahead of what is widely expected to be a close presidential election between Harris and former President Donald Trump.

The plan, people familiar with it said, acts as Zelensky’s response to growing war weariness even among his staunchest of western allies. It will make the case that Ukraine can still win — and does not need to cede Russian-seized territory for the fighting to end — if enough assistance is rushed in.

That includes again asking permission to fire Western provided long-range weapons deeper into Russian territory, a line Biden once was loathe to cross but which he’s recently appeared more open to as he has come under growing pressure to relent.

Even if Biden decides to allow the long-range fires, it’s unclear whether the change in policy would be announced publicly.

Biden is usually apt to take his time making decisions about providing Ukraine new capabilities. But with November’s election potentially portending a major change in American approach to the war if Trump were to win, Ukrainian officials — and many American ones — believe there is little time to waste.
мега сайт
Trump has claimed he will be able to “settle” the war upon taking office and has suggested he’ll end US support for Kyiv’s war effort.

“Those cities are gone, they’re gone, and we continue to give billions of dollars to a man who refused to make a deal, Zelensky. There was no deal that he could have made that wouldn’t have been better than the situation you have right now. You have a country that has been obliterated, not possible to be rebuilt,” Trump said during a campaign speech in Mint Hill, North Carolina, on Wednesday.

Comments like those have lent new weight to Thursday’s Oval Office talks, according to American and European officials, who have described an imperative to surge assistance to Ukraine while Biden is still in office.

As part of Zelensky’s visit, the US is expected to announce a major new security package, thought it will likely delay the shipping of the equipment due to inventory shortages, CNN previously reported according to two US officials. On Wednesday, the US announced a package of $375 million.

The president previewed Zelensky’s visit to the White House a day beforehand, declaring on the margins of the United Nations General Assembly his administration was “determined to ensure that Ukraine has what it needs to prevail in fight for survival.”
“Tomorrow, I will announce a series of actions to accelerate support for Ukraine’s military – but we know Ukraine’s future victory is about more than what happens on the battlefield, it’s also about what Ukrainians do make the most of a free and independent future, which so many have sacrificed so much for,” he said.

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Reply from "Keysreim Reccensioni" "megaweb7.at"

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will meet US President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in Washington on Thursday. Leon Neal/Getty Images

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit to the White House on Thursday could be his final chance to convince a receptive American president of his country’s war aims.
The precise details of the “victory plan” Zelensky plans to present in separate meetings to President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are unknown, having been closely held until they are presented to the American leaders.

But according to people briefed on its broad contours, the plan reflects the Ukrainian leader’s urgent appeals for more immediate help countering Russia’s invasion. Zelensky is also poised to push for long-term security guarantees that could withstand changes in American leadership ahead of what is widely expected to be a close presidential election between Harris and former President Donald Trump.

The plan, people familiar with it said, acts as Zelensky’s response to growing war weariness even among his staunchest of western allies. It will make the case that Ukraine can still win — and does not need to cede Russian-seized territory for the fighting to end — if enough assistance is rushed in.

That includes again asking permission to fire Western provided long-range weapons deeper into Russian territory, a line Biden once was loathe to cross but which he’s recently appeared more open to as he has come under growing pressure to relent.

Even if Biden decides to allow the long-range fires, it’s unclear whether the change in policy would be announced publicly.

Biden is usually apt to take his time making decisions about providing Ukraine new capabilities. But with November’s election potentially portending a major change in American approach to the war if Trump were to win, Ukrainian officials — and many American ones — believe there is little time to waste.
Trump has claimed he will be able to “settle” the war upon taking office and has suggested he’ll end US support for Kyiv’s war effort.

“Those cities are gone, they’re gone, and we continue to give billions of dollars to a man who refused to make a deal, Zelensky. There was no deal that he could have made that wouldn’t have been better than the situation you have right now. You have a country that has been obliterated, not possible to be rebuilt,” Trump said during a campaign speech in Mint Hill, North Carolina, on Wednesday.

Comments like those have lent new weight to Thursday’s Oval Office talks, according to American and European officials, who have described an imperative to surge assistance to Ukraine while Biden is still in office.

As part of Zelensky’s visit, the US is expected to announce a major new security package, thought it will likely delay the shipping of the equipment due to inventory shortages, CNN previously reported according to two US officials. On Wednesday, the US announced a package of $375 million.

The president previewed Zelensky’s visit to the White House a day beforehand, declaring on the margins of the United Nations General Assembly his administration was “determined to ensure that Ukraine has what it needs to prevail in fight for survival.”
“Tomorrow, I will announce a series of actions to accelerate support for Ukraine’s military – but we know Ukraine’s future victory is about more than what happens on the battlefield, it’s also about what Ukrainians do make the most of a free and independent future, which so many have sacrificed so much for,” he said.

Rating 4.0/5.0
Review Published: September 26th, 2024
Reply from "Keysreim Reccensioni" "megaweb18.at"

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will meet US President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in Washington on Thursday. Leon Neal/Getty Images

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit to the White House on Thursday could be his final chance to convince a receptive American president of his country’s war aims.
The precise details of the “victory plan” Zelensky plans to present in separate meetings to President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are unknown, having been closely held until they are presented to the American leaders.

But according to people briefed on its broad contours, the plan reflects the Ukrainian leader’s urgent appeals for more immediate help countering Russia’s invasion. Zelensky is also poised to push for long-term security guarantees that could withstand changes in American leadership ahead of what is widely expected to be a close presidential election between Harris and former President Donald Trump.

The plan, people familiar with it said, acts as Zelensky’s response to growing war weariness even among his staunchest of western allies. It will make the case that Ukraine can still win — and does not need to cede Russian-seized territory for the fighting to end — if enough assistance is rushed in.

That includes again asking permission to fire Western provided long-range weapons deeper into Russian territory, a line Biden once was loathe to cross but which he’s recently appeared more open to as he has come under growing pressure to relent.

Even if Biden decides to allow the long-range fires, it’s unclear whether the change in policy would be announced publicly.

Biden is usually apt to take his time making decisions about providing Ukraine new capabilities. But with November’s election potentially portending a major change in American approach to the war if Trump were to win, Ukrainian officials — and many American ones — believe there is little time to waste.
Trump has claimed he will be able to “settle” the war upon taking office and has suggested he’ll end US support for Kyiv’s war effort.

“Those cities are gone, they’re gone, and we continue to give billions of dollars to a man who refused to make a deal, Zelensky. There was no deal that he could have made that wouldn’t have been better than the situation you have right now. You have a country that has been obliterated, not possible to be rebuilt,” Trump said during a campaign speech in Mint Hill, North Carolina, on Wednesday.

Comments like those have lent new weight to Thursday’s Oval Office talks, according to American and European officials, who have described an imperative to surge assistance to Ukraine while Biden is still in office.

As part of Zelensky’s visit, the US is expected to announce a major new security package, thought it will likely delay the shipping of the equipment due to inventory shortages, CNN previously reported according to two US officials. On Wednesday, the US announced a package of $375 million.

The president previewed Zelensky’s visit to the White House a day beforehand, declaring on the margins of the United Nations General Assembly his administration was “determined to ensure that Ukraine has what it needs to prevail in fight for survival.”
“Tomorrow, I will announce a series of actions to accelerate support for Ukraine’s military – but we know Ukraine’s future victory is about more than what happens on the battlefield, it’s also about what Ukrainians do make the most of a free and independent future, which so many have sacrificed so much for,” he said.

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